Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 74

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 4
issue Number : 74

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 4، ، issue Number 74

Introduction and stylistics of Sadeghi Beig Afshar’s Fathname

Behrouz Mehri , Masrooreh Mokhtari (Author in Charge), Shokrollah Pouralkhas


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Masnavi of Sadeghi Beg Afshar (1017-940 AD) is one of the epic-historical works that has been considered by some of the most important historians and biographers of this era; However, due to Sadeghi"s reputation in painting and art, this work has received less attention in the later period. The present paper has tried to introduce this work and also to determine its significant stylistic frequencies.

METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted using descriptive-analytical method.

FINDINGS: Influenced by Shahnameh and to some extent Eskandarnameh, Sadeghi Beyg has tried to use all musical instruments that create poetry, including external, internal, lateral, etc. music, and along with lexical compositions, far from constructive Fake - as well as the meaningful use of important elements of expression such as simile, irony, etc., to illustrate how Shah Abbas gained power and the heroism of him and his troops until the conquest of Herat.

CONCLUSION: The owner of Fathnameh, due to his special position as the head of the royal library of Shah Abbas Safavid, provides a direct account of some of the developments of this period, which is definitely important from a historical point of view.

Fathname , Historical Epic , Tazkereh , Sadeghi Bey , Shah Abbas

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